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Lets Try Again; CRPD covers

discrimination, and ensures substantive equality and equality of opportunities.33

The CRPD covers most, if not all, aspects of the daily lives of children and adults with disabilities, such as their right to privacy, to vote, to own and inherit property, to have a job, and to enjoy an acceptable standard of living. It ensures the right not only of education for all people with disabilities but also the right to an inclusive education in neighborhood schools. It also requires States to provide rehabilitation, vocational education, and health care at the same range, quality, and standard of free or affordable health services to children and adults with disabilities, as is provided to persons without disabilities.34 As to the issue of access, the CRPD requires States Parties to identify and eliminate obstacles and barriers to access in order to ensure that persons with disabilities may access their environment, transportation, public facilities, services, information, and communications on an equal basis with all others.35 The CRPD also affirms the equal rights and advancement of women and children with disabilities and protects their right to be free from violence, abuse and exploitation.36 Of particular importance to many children with disabilities who live in institutions, the CRPD recognizes, for the first time under international law, the right of children with disabilities to not be separated from their parents on the basis of the disability of either the child or a parent.37

Further, the CRPD upholds the right of people with disabilities to an adequate standard of living and social protection, to equal participation in public and cultural life, and to parent, marry, establish families, decide on the number and spacing of children, have access to reproductive and family planning education, and to enjoy equal rights and responsibilities in family life, including the adoption of children.38

Perhaps as important as the enumeration of these specific rights, however, are the underlying values of the Convention as stated in its Preamble and Article 3, entitled General Principles.39 These articles exemplify the CRPD’s commitment to a human rights

Let’s Try Again: Why The United States Should Ratify The United Nations Convention On The Rights of People With Disabilities – Arlene S. Kanter
Touro Law Review Vol. 35; pg 308

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